Montag, 2. Januar 2012


Risa Niigaki will graduate from Morning Musume. I can't believe it. She just became the leader and I was hoping for a new golden era, or something like that. But now... my favorite 5th gen member will graduate. I am not completely fangirling over her, but I love her. Her voice is just amazing, she and Chisato are definitely the ones in H!P with the best voices. So, my dream of a Chisato/Gaki duet will probably never come true. I am so sad right now.
Sayu will succeed Gaki as the leader of MM, and she will share the H!P-leadership with Saki Shimizu. Reina will be sub-leader. I was really surprised about that. But even if it hurts that Gaki is leaving, I don't know why, but Sayu leading MM sounds really good to me. I never saw much potential in neither Sayu nor Reina to be a leader, my favorite was always Aika for that position, but if they agree to work together as leader and sub-leader, I have faith in them.
OMG, I just realized, if Eri wouldn't have graduated, she would become the new leader. Eri as a leader... with the Kyuukies and Juukies... that would have been a cool thing. *_*
I just hope Tsunku won't add new members to MM (ok, Karin Miyamoto would be ok). MM had enough line-up changes in the last time for at least 2 years.
I will miss Risa a lot, but I have to say that her reasons for graduating are really logical and reasonable. I understand her.
It's strange to think about Risa leaving, because she is the last member to be older than me. :-/
I really hope we will have another single with Risa as a leader. She has a great voice it would be shame not use that voice in a single again.

Here are some of my favorite Gaki pics and of course Onna Gokoro to Nanto Yara.

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