Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012

My dear brochacho or "Rache ist Blutwurst"...

So, brochacho. It's time. It's your birthday.
And you wanted me to ignore it.
C'mon, you should have known, that this would just challenge me. :8)

So, it's your birthday, congratulations.
I met up for this with your good friend, Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie Pie and I were thinking what kinda gift we could do present to you.
We decided to throw you a party. And what do we need for a party? Exactly. Balloons.
And what else... Wait. Let me guess. A cake!
"I couldn't help it! It was soooooo delicious. I had to eat it!"
Urrrrrrrhmmmmm. Okay. Let's continue. Pinkie, go and invite the others!


I think... we have all we need, Pinkie. It's time for the party!
But no cake. Sorry, dear! Maybe you want to have this one?
Here comes your present!
A nearly naked Sean! YAY!!!
And now, the birthday serenade!

Sorry for the last one, dear. Wouldn't be my blog without J-Pop. ;-)

Happy birthday, dear. 

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